Jeff Anderson Protects Father’s Paternity Rights In Frisco & Dallas
If you are a father whose children are being kept from him, and you desperately want to see them and have access to them, you need consult a paternity attorney for legal guidance.
Before you do, continue reading about the unique paternity laws in Texas, and the process through which you must establish paternity if you have not already done so.
If you’re looking for the best father’s rights attorney to protect your rights as a father, call to schedule a consultation withJeff Anderson at our Dallas or Frisco family law office.
Establishing Paternity In Texas
When an unmarried couple has a child in Texas, paternity must be established before legal rights over the child can be exercised by the father. Establishing a father’s paternity will lay the foundation for any dispute involving the interests of the child, including child support, child custody and child visitation.
This is true for both a man attempting to prove paternity and a man attempting to challenge an alleged paternity. Proving the true paternity of a child is extremely important, both emotionally and legally.
If you are in Texas and are having a dispute over paternity, Jeff Anderson is an experienced paternity lawyer with over 25 years of experience handling complex family cases with 100s of successful outcomes for his clients.
Texas Describes Potential Fathers in Different Ways for Paternity Suits
When paternity is not completely clear there are four different categories that a man, and potential father, could fall in. It is legally important to determine which category is relevant because it may shift which party has the burden of proof.
Burden of proof is important. Whoever has it, will have to prove their points in court. Not the other way around. This is why it is important to retain legal counsel from a paternity attorney experienced with fathers’ rights cases.
Four Ways Texas Family Courts May Categorize Your Paternal Status
- Alleged Father
- Presumed Father
- Acknowledged Father
- Adjudicated Father
Legal Meaning of Paternal Status Variations
Alleged Father Definition – An alleged father is a man who is alleged to be the father but does not appear on the birth certificate, has not signed any document acknowledging that he is the father and has not been deemed to be the father by any Court decision. In this case, it would be the person who is alleging the man’s paternity that has the burden of proof. That party would have to prove in Court that the man alleged to be the father actually is the father. This is often done by a DNA test. In the case of an alleged father, the first legal action will be a suit to determine parentage.
Presumed Father Definition – A presumed father is a man who is legally presumed to be the father of a child usually because of an existing relationship. For example, if a married women has a child, her husband is legally presumed to be the father of that child. This is a rebuttable presumption, and the man could file a Suit Affecting the Parent Child Relationship (SAPCR) to attempt to prove he is not the father of the child.
Acknowledged Father Definition – A man who signs a legal document called an acknowledgement of paternity may create a legal relationship with the child. This document is filed with the state of Texas and is considered legally binding. However, just as in the case of the presumed father, it is possible to challenge this document in court.
Adjudicated Father Definition – This is the man who has been determined by the court to be the father of a child. Typically this is the result of a prior paternity lawsuit. It is possible for an adjudicated father to challenge this status in court, but it is extremely difficult.
Contact An Experienced Father’s Rights Attorney
Uncertain paternity is important to resolve for all parties involved. Jeff Anderson is an experienced paternity lawyer who understands the legal issues surrounding paternity in any circumstance. If you have any questions about paternity in Texas or family law in general, contact Jeff Anderson today. He will sit down with you and listen to your story and see what he can do to help you with paternity in your case.